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Park Rose Village and coronavirus ( letter from the owner)

Dear All

In the last two weeks all our lives have been affected by Coronavirus. We are all trying our best to cope with the challenges of staying at home whilst ensuring that when life gets back to normal, we will once again be able to offer you peace, tranquility and a bit of fun.

At Park Rose we are doing what we can to ensure that all our customers and staff are safe and sound during this testing time. Other than for Bargain Buys the site is shut.

If you were to come to Park Rose now you might see Peter in his deck chair reading some learned document whilst also keeping an eye on security on the site. No doubt Sal is learning some new exciting meals for The Café and some new jokes for when you return to us.

We have ensured that our staff are being looked after and will be ready to return to work once things get back to normal.

If you have booked to stay with us and the stay is affected by the government restrictions, we are offering you a full credit of the amount you have paid to rebook when you can.

This is a very worrying time for us all,  I trust you will all take care and look forward to seeing you all again soon.

Best Wishes

James Horsley.

Park Rose Village.